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Lacey Hamilton | Kennedy Kay

Meet Lacey Hamilton: the creative mind behind Kennedy Kay - a local business that makes beautifully personalized wooden signs. Named for her two daughters, K.K. was born during a pivotal time in the life of their family of 8 after her husband retired from a long military career, and they found themselves asking “What's Next?”.

Completely self-taught, she started out as just a mom and her scroll saw meticulously crafting each sign by hand and learning new techniques via YouTube whenever she possibly could.

When they moved to Smith Mountain Lake in 2019, things really started to take off for her business, and she found it difficult to keep up with demand hand-cutting every order. So, she decided to employ a new partner: a laser cutter that helps bring her creations to life and allows her to keep a better balance between work and spending time with her young family of 8. This business addition also gave her the ability to branch out more into business signs and logos, which have now become a huge portion of her sales.

A main tenant of her design process is offering a completely personalized experience. She doesn't want to just copy something you could find at a craft store, but instead, create one-of-a-kind pieces that perfectly fit each client's space and style.

Even though she has traveled to and lived in many places with the military, SML captured her heart from the very first time she visited - and a secret wish of one day coming back here to live was born. Turns out wishes do come true, and now she asks, “Why would you want to live anywhere else?!"

When talking about goals she has for the future of Kennedy Kay, she said that she looks forward to the day when she is out and about at the lake and sees her designs smiling back at her from all directions! According to Lacey, “They really become like your children, each one has had so much time and love poured into its creation."

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